1. Portal- a web site that functions as an entry point to the internet, as by providing useful content and linking to various sites and features on the world Wide Web.
2. News- a person, thing, or event considered as a choice subject for journalistic treatment; newsworthy material.
3. Informational- knowledge gained through study, communication, research, instruction, etc.; factual data
4. Business/ Marketing- an occupation, profession, or trade.
5. Blog- a web site containing the writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often and having images and links to other Web sites.
6. Wiki- a web site that allows anyone to add, delete, or revise content by using a web to create a wiki.
7. Online Social Network-
8. Educational- tending or intended to educate, instruct, or inform.
9. Entertainment- something affording pleasure, diversion, or amusement especially a performance of some kind: The highlight of the ball was an elaborate entertainment.
10. Advocacy- the act of pleading for, supporting, or recommending; active espousal: He was known for his advocacy of states' right
11. Web Application-
12. Content Aggregator-
13. Personal- referring or directed to a particular person in a disparaging or offensive sense of manner, usually involving character, behavior, appearance, etc. : personal remarks
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